Workspace Functionality

As you work with the permitting and routing system, you will encounter a variety of pages and yet there are interface fundamentals that remain consistent throughout. On nearly every page, you will find the Menu Bar, Command Buttons, Entry Fields, and the Status Bar.

Warning!     When you use your browser’s Forward and Back buttons, you will lose information entered on the current page unless you are careful to Save your work before going to the next or previous page.

Features Bar

Use the Features Bar to quickly navigate between the pages of an application, to copy the contents of an application/permit, or perform a variety of actions.

Progress Bar

The Progress Bar shows the workflow for completing an application and provides a quick way to move from page to page. Click the link of or drag the slider to the page you wish to open.

Command Buttons

Command buttons such as Next, Find, Back, and Forward control your progress through workflows. Buttons like Submit, Open, and Delete generate interaction between the database and the working record. Many buttons are unique to certain pages, but as you can see from these examples, their functions are largely self-explanatory:  Print Permit, View Application, Extend.


Calendar Icon

A calendar icon accompanies all date fields in the permitting and routing system. To choose a date for the field, click the calendar icon and select the desired date.

Status Bar

The Status Bar presents useful information about an open application. Take care to note the Application ID of any application you create; this number will come in handy if you can't finish the application in a single sitting or if you would like to re-use the information for another application.